dry dog food

What can be mixed with dry Dog food? (Healthy Guide for Dog Owners)

June 29, 2022

If your dog is picky when it comes to food, then you might have a real challenge when looking for what can be mixed with dry dog food. Mixing dog food is a common practice for most dog owners, some do it right while others don’t.

Nonetheless, this healthy guide is to educate the average dog owner on what, how and the benefits of mixing dry dog food.

Quick Fact: there is less than 11 percent moisture content in dry dog food. Meanwhile, the vast majority of your dog food consists of dry kibble packaged in airtight containers that contain preservatives to prolong their lifespan.

There is a possibility that dry kibble will include bits of dried meat, but in contrast to canned or pouched food, it does not contain too much water.

What can be mixed with dry dog food?

Plain yogurt, Sprinkle herbs, Mix chopped veggies or fruit are considered the best additives to mix with dry dog food. An important factor to keep in mind is that the bulk of your dog’s dry food should be kibble.  More so, the recommended dry dog food mixture is about 3/4 kibble and 1/4 add-ins (you should bookmark this page so that you can always refer to it).

To get the best result for a yogurt mixture, have your Mix up to coat the dog food so that your dog won’t lick off the yogurt leaving out the kibble.

For the egg mixture, keep in mind that Eggs are quite rich in protein and also contain essential amino fatty acids. Quick facts: Did you know that eggs can help your dog’s settle stomach upsets? Moreso, avoid cooking your eggs with any added seasoning like salt or butter, just keep it plain for your canine friend.

Note: one of the most popular dogs dry foods is Kibble. Kibble’s ingredients consist of meat, grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Extrusion is the process that these ingredients undergo and are typically mixed and shaped into pellets.

Is dry dog food healthy for my dog?

Yes, dry dog food is considered healthy for your dog because it provides a good amount of digestible carbohydrates, and these can become an excellent energy source for your dog and helps its gastrointestinal tract to function properly.

It’s important for your dog’s dental health that they consume dry food because they are an excellent plaque remover and it also helps to keep their teeth clean.

Keep in mind that daily teeth brushing is important for dogs, but you may not always be successful in doing so, which may result in the buildup of plaque on your dog’s teeth.

Moreover, the cost of dry dog food is quite cheaper than the cost of the same quantity of cans packaged with wet food for dogs.

Quick Fact: The dry dog food is not a good option for pups younger than 8 weeks old or elderly dogs that have health issues, particularly kidney health issues. But also it’s possible that wet dog food might be helpful for dogs that are overweight.

However, if your dog begins to exhibit strange digestive problems after you introduce them to dry dog food, then you should quickly take them to a vet doctor. Some dogs may be allergic to some kibble food ingredients or have various food intolerances. You should also discuss your dog’s food options with your vet.

Ask if the dry dog food is an excellent option and their dietary needs.

Factors to consider when mixing your dry dog food

Well, you should know that every dog is different, while some dogs have dietary sensitivities, some could react to dry dog foods because they have sensitive stomachs.

When considering mixing your dry dog food, keep in mind that this is an extremely personal decision for you, hence you must pay attention.

However, as a rule of thumb, the food your dog should be taking MUST contain all the dietary requirements they require for proper growth.

Here are some factors that you might want to take into consideration while mixing your dry dog food:

The Type of Dog You Have.

When selecting dry dog food for your dog, one factor that you might want to take into consideration is the breed of your dog. A breed that is not as active, like the Bulldog, will require less energy than a breed that is very active.

As a result, the very active will have a greater demand for calories, and the dietary requirements of your dog will be uniquely tailored to their level of activity.

How Big Is Your Dog?

The size of your dog is another factor that could come into play when deciding whether you should give them mixed dry dog food. The nutritional requirements for bigger breeds and those for smaller breeds are not the same.

Allergic reactions to dry dog food and other sensitivities

When considering mixing your dry dog food, one very important thing you should do is observe how your dog reacts to different foods.

Check to see whether your dog’s energy level is well suited for their age and breed, check if their skin and hair are healthy, if his stools are firm and brown, and if he appears to be in excellent health overall, it’s likely that the food he’s eating is doing what it’s supposed to.

On the other hand, if your dog has diarrhea, skin troubles, or an itchy coat, these could be symptoms that your dog has a sensitivity to certain foods. Once you find out your dog is experiencing some allergies because of the dry dog food, you should see a vet doctor immediately as any further delays might lead to a significant problem for your dog.

Keep in mind that, allergies are serious issues when it comes to food. Hence if your dog suffers from a genuine food allergy, he may go into anaphylactic shock, which is a more severe kind of acute immunological response. In such a scenario, you need to get your dog to the nearest animal hospital or emergency care facility as soon as possible.

Do’s and Don’ts for mixing dog dry food

Do consider mixing several shapes, flavors, and tastes of dry dog food for your dog.

Don’t feed your dog with dry dog food without first consulting with your vet if it’s appropriate to do so for your dog.

Don’t even consider adding water to your dry dog food, because most dogs really enjoy meals when it’s really dry without any additives.

Do consider adding canned flavor to your dog’s dry food, because adding a canned flavor is one way to make the meal more appealing.

Making your dog’s dry food tastier

In order to make your dog’s dry food tastier, you should consider serving it with some additive or canned flavor to make it really tasty for your canine friend. Doing this will make the food crunchy and flavor that are meant to make your dog lick its bowl clean.

1. Try raw-coated dog food.

Food companies are starting to make new products to make up for the fact that dry dog food has a bad reputation for being low-quality food.

2. Try baked Dry dog food

Dry dog food that has been baked is not the same as regular kibble. In traditional kibble, the ingredients are mixed together and made into dough. The dough then undergoes a procedure called extrusion that gives the food its shape.

3. Try putting on tasty supplements

Supplements for dog food are meant to make their regular dry food taste better and, ideally, provide more nutrients at the same time. You can also use these supplements as special treats for your dogs each you want to get them to complete a task.

4. Try putting in some extras.

Let’s say you put fish oil, yogurt, or kefir on your dry dog’s food, they won’t even be aware of it, however, they’re really getting nutrients. Whereas, in your dog’s mind they are just having a swell time by eating a delicious meal.

Is it safe to mix dry dog food?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to give your dog dry food because they are one of the most common foods for dogs. Nonetheless, not all dry dog food are the same, given that most of them come in different brands and also have different ingredients.

However, they all must be balanced and meet your dog’s nutritional needs.

Quick fact: All pet foods must be safe to eat, made in clean conditions, contain no harmful substances, and be labeled correctly – FDA rule.

The parts that make up typical dry dog food are well-cooked and carefully packaged. More so, Protein sources like beef, chicken, fish, and eggs, as well as grains, cereals, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, are all part of the essential nutrient that most dry dog foods contain.

What can be mixed with dry dog food Summary?

Note: Preservatives are needed in all dry dog foods to keep them from decaying. Even though some brands have a lot of added sugar or smaller amounts of ingredients all dry dog food is produced in such a way that they are safe for mixing.

Mixing your dry dog food is a good option, but not at the expense of your dog’s health. If you notice allergies or any reactions from your dog, it might be a result of the mixture. As we earlier pointed out, it’s a personal decision to mix or not to mix, find out what works for your dog and go ahead and do it the right way.

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