What can I add to my dog's kibble every day?

What can I add to my dog’s kibble every day? (7 Healthy Additions)

Think about it this way, how would you love to have for breakfast and for every mealtime broccoli every single day? Pathetic and boring! Right? Well, that’s how eating kibble every day is for your dog. 

You can imagine what it feels like for your dog to have kibble every day all day long, aside from being boring; adding varieties to your dog food will help improve their diet significantly

Note: Do not just rotate your dog’s kibble by feeding him different kibbles or proteins from the same manufacturer. That won’t give him enough variety …

Many studies have been done on dog nutrition, and it is pretty widely accepted now that “feeding your dog kibble, all the time” is not the best diet plan for your dog.

 You could explore options like adding fresh food to dog kibble and healthy food options like veggies and a wide variety of proteins, in their kibble recipes.

Keep in mind that we’re not implying you shouldn’t feed kibbles to your dog. In recent times, some dog owners have found several benefits in switching their dogs to a fully raw food diet, but that’s simply not practical for everyone.

Here are seven excellent additions to your dog’s kibble that will give your dog a wider range of nutrients right away;

1. Add Yogurt to your dog’s kibble

Being a natural source of probiotics, yogurt is top of our list of food to add to your dog’s kibble. Not only that, yogurt is inexpensive and easy to feed. You should probably stick to low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt, as your dog doesn’t need the sugar in the flavored yogurts.

The probiotics in yogurt provide benefits for all dogs but are especially good for dogs with digestive problems. Use yogurt with live and active cultures. Varieties that contain more than just Lactobacillus acidophilus may provide additional benefits to the digestive tract.

Low-fat yogurt has less than 20 calories per ounce, so even small dogs can enjoy a spoonful without concern about reducing food portions.

2. Adding Eggs can change a whole lot

Only a few foods can beat the nutritional impact of eggs, with their combination of high-quality protein and fat along with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Eggs are inexpensive and easy to feed dogs, too. 

Egg whites are more easily digested when cooked, while yolks retain more of their nutritional value if fed raw. Most dogs have no trouble with bacteria in raw eggs, but it’s fine to mix soft-cooked, hard-cooked, or scrambled eggs with your dog’s kibble.

Typically a full egg provides about 70 calories; this amount is fine for medium-sized and larger dogs, but smaller dogs would do better with half an egg daily, or one egg every other day, with the mixed kibbled eggs reduced proportionately.

Note: Do not include the egg shells in your dog’s kibble mix, as the shells contain far more calcium than your dog needs. Too much calcium can be harmful to large-breed puppies, and also binds other minerals, making them less available to your dog.

3. Add Fermented Foods to your dog’s kibble

Adding Fermented foods to your dog’s kibble will help support a healthier gut microbiome, which leads to a stronger immune system, and will in turn decrease the risk of inflammation, and increase metabolites that actually turn your dog’s kibble into an excellent vitamin source.

One of the best-fermented food options is raw kefir. Every dog after eating raw kefir mixed with their kibble would lick their bowls clean.

Tip: Start off with a tablespoon per 10 pounds of body weight. Ensure that the raw kefir you’re adding isn’t the flavored ones.  

Fermented vegetables are also a great addition but are careful to go overboard. Some dogs just don’t like the taste while others love them, so you need to start slowly to see. You also want to introduce it gradually to see how your dog digests it.

Most people would add fermented greens. Well, you can often find some of these fermented foods in the frozen food section at your pet store. Other fermented food options are sauerkraut and fermented beans. Fermented Carrots are also a great option, however, be careful because they’re high in sugar. 

This is particularly important for dogs with yeast.

Note: You should stay away from added spices, sugar, and salt, and, of course, onions are a NO NO!!!

4. Add Sardines to your dog’s Kibble

Did you know that fish supplies are rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA  are good for your dog’s skin and coat?

In addition, they help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation, so can be helpful for dogs with allergies, arthritis, and autoimmune disease. DHA is also good for brain health, which can benefit both puppies and senior dogs.

One small canned sardine provides about 25 calories and 175 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, a good amount for a small dog. Give larger dogs proportionately more. Use sardines packed in water. Feed soon after opening so the fatty acids are still fresh.

Other canned fish options, especially for larger dogs, include jack mackerel and pink salmon.

5. Add pureed or cooked vegetables to your dog’s Kibble

Typically, dogs do not chew their food enough to break down cell walls, and whole raw vegetables don’t provide much nutritional value.

Vegetables pureed in a food processor, juicer, or blender are more digestible; cooked vegetables can be digested without having to be pureed.

Recommended cooked/pureed plants include carrots, celery, all types of greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, asparagus, turnips, and parsnips.

Because they can be toxic to dogs, onions are not recommended and, if your dog has any symptoms of arthritis or inflammation, avoid plants from the nightshade family, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, and goji berries.

6. Add organ meats and muscle meat to your dog’s kibble

Add any kind of meat, such as chicken, turkey, or lean beef, either ground or in chunks that are small enough to prevent choking, served raw or lightly cooked is a perfect mixture for your dog’s kibble. Keep in mind never to feed cooked bones.

While the liver and other organ meats provide beneficial nutrients, Straus no longer recommends feeding fresh or freeze-dried beef liver to kibble-fed dogs.

“This is because most commercial foods are already high in copper,” she explains, “and excessive copper in the diet can lead to copper storage disease.”

For organ meats other than beef liver, she recommends introducing small amounts. Organ meats like heart and poultry gizzard are nutritionally similar to muscle meats and can be fed in greater quantity, though some dogs might experience digestive upset if too much is provided at one time.

7. Consider adding human foods to your dog’s kibble

For a long time, the consensus has been that dogs shouldn’t eat human food. But recent studies have actually found that dogs benefit as much as we do, if not more, from a varied diet that includes many of the same fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins we eat.

If you’re going to supplement your dog’s kibble with fresh food, it’s extra essential to make sure you’re giving appropriate amounts of safe foods.

The following fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs to eat, but it’s still important to be careful. Make sure always to wash fruits and vegetables, and remove pits, seeds, and stems. Some pits, seeds, and stems may contain substances that will make your dog sick.

Mother Nature healthy kibble additions your dogs will love:

Fruits are generally much higher in sugar, so don’t give too much fruit to your dog. Here are some fruits that could safely feed your dog:

·   Strawberries

·   Watermelon

·   Banana

·   Orange

·   Blueberries

·   Pear

·   Pineapple

·   Raspberries

·   Cantaloupe

·   Cranberries

·   Mango

·   Tomatoes

·   Apples

·   Apricots

Fruits like mango, bananas, pineapple, and melons are relatively high in sugar, so err on the side of only a little bit of those. Fruits like blueberries and raspberries are low in sugar but high in antioxidants, so they’re ok to have a bit more often.

Healthy kibble additions from Mother Nature that your dog will love:

Many vegetables are safe for dogs to eat, and all the vitamins and benefits we get from eating them are also good for our dogs. Here are some safe vegetables for dogs:

·   Spinach

·   Peas

·   Pumpkin

·   Green beans

·   Zucchini

·   Sweet potato

·   Cauliflower

·   Celery

·   Cucumber

·   Asparagus

·   Bell peppers

·   Broccoli

·   Brussels sprouts

·   Cabbage

·   Carrots

·   Lettuce

Veggies like bell peppers and green beans are excellent alternative to treats if your dog likes them, and they need to go on a bit of a diet.

Vegetables like pumpkin can be beneficial for your dog’s digestive system, so it’s safe to add to their food every day if you have a dog with a sensitive tummy.

Mental Enrichment While Feeding

In addition to all these extra ingredients and supplements that can benefit your dog, you can actually provide mental enrichment while they eat them.

When you simply add the kibble, vitamins, or supplements to the snuffle mat or bowl and scatter them around. Your dog will use their nose and natural instincts to find tasty treats and benefit from the mental stimulation.

Conclusion: What can I add to my dog’s kibble every day

Now that you know some things to add to dog food, you can expand your dog’s diet in a healthy way.

Be adventurous and spice up your dog’s diet with fish oil for dogs, yogurt, pumpkin, supplements, or any mix of the foods suggested above.

If you are ever unsure of safety, remember that you can always ask your vet about kibble additions before proceeding. Now that there are food and supplements all meant to equip their overall optimum health, you can now be sure of healthier and happier days ahead.

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