How many puppies can a Pomeranian have?

A Pomeranian can have as many as six puppies in one birth. Pomeranians are small, so it is rare for them to have many puppies.

On average, a Pomeranian will usually birth a maximum of 3 puppies in a single birth. Rare cases have seen Pomeranians have up to seven or eight puppies at once.

In some cases, the size of the Pomeranian’s stomach can help estimate the number of puppies. This technique isn’t always effective and can be misleading.

About halfway into a Pomeranian pregnancy, you can tell how many puppies are expected.

Use this information to prepare a pen large enough and obtain supplies for both mother and puppies.

What Age Can A Pomeranian Get Pregnant?

A Pomeranian can get pregnant as early as four months old, once she experiences heat. Typically, a Pomeranian will experience heat in its first year, with 6-9 months being the common occurrence.

Some late bloomers can experience their first heat as late as 15 months. Once heat occurs, then it is physically possible for the Pomeranian to get pregnant.

Different factors can influence when your Pomeranian gets her first heat, like the environment and nutrition. While your Pomeranian may be physically able to get pregnant, it is not ideal for one to get pregnant early.

Ideally, you should wait till your Pomeranian is at least 2 years old before allowing it to mate.

Fun fact: Early pregnancy in a Pomeranian is not advised. As with humans, having a child before physical maturity is not ideal for the dog. Before a Pomeranian should be pregnant, the dog should be able to withstand the physical stress.

Keep the dog away from mates, especially during the heat, to avoid early pregnancy.

How Long Is A Pomeranian Pregnancy?

A Pomeranian pregnancy will last roughly 2 months. From the 60th day of pregnancy, you can start expecting your Pomeranian to have her puppies.

Most Pomeranian births happen between the 58th and 65th days of pregnancy. You should prepare for the birth of the puppies once the pregnancy is up to 60 days.

You can have early births from the 55th day, but these puppies aren’t always healthy. A week late is no cause for alarm, provided it doesn’t exceed this duration. Once a Pomeranian pregnancy exceeds 70 days, then seek expert help.

Signs Your Pomeranian Is Pregnant

Once your Pomeranian is pregnant, she will begin to exhibit certain signs. It is important to detect a pregnancy early, as it allows you to better prepare for the birth. Ideally, you can tell a Pomeranian is pregnant toward the end of the first month.

Fun fact: A dog can display pregnancy signs without being pregnant. While signs can help you identify a pregnant Pomeranian, you need a vet to confirm it. Save all concrete plans until the vet confirms that your Pomeranian is pregnant.

Here are some of the indicators to help you identify pregnancy in your Pomeranian:

Refusing Meals:

If your Pomeranian normally has a healthy appetite, that will change once they are pregnant.

They eat very little, reject foods they love, and sometimes throw up without cause. The appetite change isn’t permanent; you can expect it to return to normal after the first month.


You Pomeranian will spend a lot of time sleeping or seemingly tired. She will begin to refuse her favorite activities, always seeking rest.

The rest phase doesn’t seem to go away, lasting through the pregnancy and a few weeks after. Provided there aren’t any complications; your dog should return to her old self after nursing.

Strange Behaviors

You will begin to notice new behaviors from your Pomeranian. The behaviors will change according to her stage of pregnancy.

The first emotion she will exhibit is affection, coming early in the pregnancy. With time, she will become maternal and then transition to being irritable when close to delivery.

Pregnancy nipples:

Her nipples will swell and become harder when she is pregnant. She will nurse her puppies, and nature is merely preparing her for it.

By the third week of pregnancy, nipple growth will be evident. The nipples will also change color as the pregnancy progresses.

Caring For A Pregnant Pomeranian

When a Pomeranian is pregnant, they tend to require special care. Proper care is crucial to the health of both the mother and the puppies. There are a few crucial things you will need to do to ensure a successful pregnancy.

Here are some tips for caring for a pregnant Pomeranian:

  • A Healthy Diet

A pregnant dog will lack appetite at first, despite needing a healthy meal. The appetite phase will pass, and you should provide healthy and nutritious meals.

The mother is eating for others who are exerting much pressure on her. Eating properly will help keep her strong and healthy throughout the pregnancy.

The Diet will need to continue after birth till the mother is no longer nursing. Feeding frequency and portions will need to be increased as well. Adult dogs are usually fed once or twice daily, and this won’t be enough for a pregnant Pomeranian.

  • Regular Checkups

Take your dog to the vet regularly to check the progress of the pregnancy. While most dog pregnancies are straightforward, sometimes, there are complications.

Older and young dogs are at a higher risk of complications. Once you identify that your dog is pregnant, your trips to the vet should begin.

  • Create A Birthing Area

Create a clean space where your Pomeranian can stay throughout the pregnancy. This is where the puppies will be born, so you should sterilize the area. The pen will need to be spacious enough for both the mother and the puppies.

 Determining the expected number of puppies can better prepare you for creating the pen.

  • Deworm The Dog

Deworm your pregnant Pomeranian to ensure worms aren’t passed to the puppies. If you are dealing with a planned pregnancy, you need to deworm before mating.

For surprise pregnancies, deworm the mother as soon as it is confirmed.

  • Exercise

As much as the Pomeranian will be fatigued, she needs exercise during pregnancy. You can take her for regular walks or provide some form of exercise in her pen. Exercise will also help keep her in the right physical shape for labor.

Caring For Newborn Pomeranian Puppies

Dogs generally are fragile after birth and Pomeranians are no different. Most of the puppies’ care is done by the mother, requiring no human interference. With the stress the mother is under, you can provide assistance with a few actions.

Here are ways you can care for a newborn Pomeranian:

Clean The Environment

Puppies are born blind and will stumble around to find their way. Ensure there aren’t any particles that can be harmful.

The Puppies’ skin is fragile and it won’t take much to break it. Plastic, metals, and other small items are especially dangerous to a baby Pomeranian.

 If you create a birth pen for your Pomeranian, be sure to pad the floor with blankets.

Feed Regularly

Newborn Pomeranians need food often as they expend too much energy for their small size.

The mother will handle feeding but you may need to assist the puppies in the early days

With puppies born blind, it is usually a struggle to find the mother’s nipple. Observe any struggling puppies and place them closer to the mother’s nipple.

Transition To Quality Food

When transitioning your Pomeranian puppy to foods other than breast milk, opt for quality. The puppies will still require nutritional meals especially since breast milk packs it all. No matter how many meals you feed them, ensure all of it is packed with quality.

How soon can a Pomeranian get pregnant after birthing puppies?

As soon as her next heat cycle comes along, the Pomeranian can get pregnant again. Dogs tend to have about 2 heat cycles in a year, so her next heat cycle isn’t far off.

It may take up to six months before her next heat period, but rarely longer. Age and other factors can affect the heat period, but it will occur once the mother is done nursing.

It isn’t advised to let your dog get pregnant soon after delivery. Once the dog is in heat, there is a danger of pregnancy, and you need to protect her. Some dog owners choose to spay their dogs to prevent any further pregnancy.

A temporary solution can be to place your dog in a kennel until she is out of the heat.

Fun fact: A pregnancy occurring soon after a previous birth is not ideal. You should keep your dog from getting pregnant for at least 12 months after pregnancy.

The physical stress of pregnancy can overwhelm your Pomeranian, hence the need to wait.

Important Pomeranian Pregnancy Facts

Pomeranian pregnancies are normally unique and full of surprises. Some things tend to remain constant and remain the same for different Pomeranians.

Here are some things you can expect from your Pomeranian’s birth:

Weight Gain

A pregnant Pomeranian will gain only about 20% of its normal body weight. In the early days of pregnancy, she will lose weight and her appetite, but this will change later. 

In the second half of the pregnancy, her appetite will return, as will her weight. Her new appetite will be stronger than it was previously. By the time her pregnancy becomes obvious, her weight will have increased.

Labor Signs

Once your Pomeranian is about to give birth, you will notice her discomfort. She will howl and scream, but that is no cause for alarm. She may start throwing up, and there may be some vaginal discharge.

Once she is in labor, ensure she isn’t fed in case she needs surgery. Labor can be long, so ensure she is as comfortable as possible during this period.

Easy Births

Most Pomeranian births are straightforward, and the dog won’t require assistance.  The dog will be uncomfortable and in pain but will pull through on her own.

In rare cases with complications, a little assistance from a veterinarian will suffice. In the absence of a vet, you can assist the dog yourself.

A Pomeranian can have as many as six puppies in one birth. Pomeranians are small, so it is rare for them to have many puppies.

On average, a Pomeranian will usually birth a maximum of 3 puppies in a single birth. Rare cases have seen Pomeranians have up to seven or eight puppies at once.

In some cases, the size of the Pomeranian’s stomach can help estimate the number of puppies.

This technique isn’t always effective and can be misleading. About halfway into a Pomeranian pregnancy, you can tell how many puppies are expected.

Use this information to prepare a pen large enough and obtain supplies for both mother and puppies.

What Age Can A Pomeranian Get Pregnant?

A Pomeranian can get pregnant as early as four months old, once she experiences heat. Typically, a Pomeranian will experience heat in its first year, with 6-9 months being the common occurrence.

Some late bloomers can experience their first heat as late as 15 months.

Once heat occurs, then it is physically possible for the Pomeranian to get pregnant.

Different factors can influence when your Pomeranian gets her first heat, like the environment and nutrition. While your Pomeranian may be physically able to get pregnant, it is not ideal for one to get pregnant early.

Ideally, you should wait till your Pomeranian is at least 2 years old before allowing it to mate.

Fun fact: Early pregnancy in a Pomeranian is not advised. As with humans, having a child before physical maturity is not ideal for the dog. Before a Pomeranian should be pregnant, the dog should be able to withstand the physical stress.

Keep the dog away from mates, especially during the heat, to avoid early pregnancy.

How Long Is A Pomeranian Pregnancy?

A Pomeranian pregnancy will last roughly 2 months. From the 60th day of pregnancy, you can start expecting your Pomeranian to have her puppies.

Most Pomeranian births happen between the 58th and 65th days of pregnancy. You should prepare for the birth of the puppies once the pregnancy is up to 60 days.

You can have early births from the 55th day, but these puppies aren’t always healthy. A week late is no cause for alarm, provided it doesn’t exceed this duration.

Once a Pomeranian pregnancy exceeds 70 days, then seek expert help.

Signs Your Pomeranian Is Pregnant

Once your Pomeranian is pregnant, she will begin to exhibit certain signs. It is important to detect a pregnancy early, as it allows you to better prepare for the birth.

Ideally, you can tell a Pomeranian is pregnant toward the end of the first month.

Fun fact: A dog can display pregnancy signs without being pregnant. While signs can help you identify a pregnant Pomeranian, you need a vet to confirm it.

Save all concrete plans until the vet confirms that your Pomeranian is pregnant.

How many puppies can a Pomeranian have? The Conclusion

Pomeranian litters are rarely large, though it happens sometimes. Pregnancy is different for each Pomeranian, and you may notice a few odd habits, but this is normal. 

One thing you will want to avoid if you are trying to breed Pomeranians is using dogs from the same litter. Inbreeding always leads to disastrous results, with complicated pregnancies.

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