How to train a Pomeranian Puppy to do tricks (the easy way)

July 25, 2022

Pomeranians are really great as that little cute canine friend. They are fun and interesting little Pomeranian puppies. You could also test to see how smart your little friend is by teaching tricks.

Although Pomeranians are small and cute, they can be compared to bigger dog breeds.

Most people have kept Pomeranians as pets and lap Pomeranian puppy s for many generations, and their size has steadily shrunk. However, they still have the bravery of bigger Pomeranian puppy breeds and some of their independence.  

The most important training rules to keep in mind when training your Pomeranian is to pick up new tricks. No matter what trick you want to teach your Pomeranian, there are three rules that always apply:

  • Be patient. Give your Pomeranian time to figure out what you want them to do, and don’t rush through the different steps of the trick.

  • Make it quick. Spend only a few minutes on each training session so that your Pomeranian puppy stays interested and doesn’t get bored.

  • Stay calm. Most importantly, don’t get mad at your little friend if they can’t do the trick right away. Keep a good attitude and make it fun for your pup to learn the trick.

Take charge of the environment.

Your Pomeranian doesn’t know anything, so they’ll try to figure it out by putting things in their mouths. Which is fine for their chew toy, but not so great for your mid-century modern coffee table.

How to fix this problem?

Pay close attention to what your little friend can have free access to. You can use a playpen, or child gates, or just tie them to you.

Remember that they can’t eat what they can’t reach. Or pee on it.

Be consistent.

Pomeranian puppies don’t know what “sit” or “heel” means when they are born. Or how to walk while being led. Or how they can talk to you.

You have to teach them all of that, and the best way to do that is to always praise the good and ignore the bad.

The faster you and your puppy build trust, which is the basis of understanding, the more reliable you are.

Make them tire out.

A good Pomeranian is one that has learned to sleep from time to time. And a Pomeranian that finds it hard to sleep is probably doing something wrong.

We don’t think you should try to get them to sleep all day every day, but you should help them get rid of their agitated energy.

Ensure your Pom gets a lot of pre-training exercises, especially before training, to help them settle down and learn. This can include running around the yard, learning to play fetch, and playing with other Pomeranian puppy s (after they’ve had their shots, of course).

Take care of them well

Typically, Pomeranian puppies have fast metabolisms. So you can get away with giving them excess rewards, which is good because that’s the easiest way to encourage good behavior.

Try something like dry Pomeranian puppy food mixed with yogurt, which will make you want more. A Pomeranian puppy will do almost anything for one of them.

Play the long game with your Pom

Training a Pomeranian puppy takes time. Sometimes they have to go back two steps before they can move one. So trust the process like the folks in Philadelphia.

Let yourself off the hook! Soon, your Pomeranian puppy will be a well-behaved adult, and you’ll look back at old recordings and wish you could do it all over again.

Tricks you can teach your Pomeranian puppy

Training your Pomeranian puppy is important for his or her long-term growth. Note that no matter how old or young your Pomeranian puppy is, they will do their best with a consistent routine and structure.

Pomeranian puppy training basics like potty training, leash training, and socialization are great places to start, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop there.

Pomeranian puppies are smart and fiercely loyal to their owners. They can learn a lot of new commands that are both hard and fun, which is just a small taste of what they can do.

Let’s go over some easy and hard tricks you can teach your Pomeranian puppy, as well as how to show them how to do each one. With enough care, patience, and encouragement, they’ll be able to do all of them.

Getting your Pomeranian puppy ready

Before teaching your Pomeranian puppy a few tricks, you need to know about positive reinforcement. This is the process of rewarding your Pomeranian puppy when it does what you want it to do.

It can be as easy as giving them lots of praise, giving them their favorite training treats, or letting them play with their favorite toy. Pomeranian puppies learn best when they can make a connection between what they do and what their parent like about it, so the more you encourage them for what they do, the better.

You can also use a clicker, which lets you know when a trick has been done right.

More so, you should ensure your training sessions don’t last more than five to ten minutes. Pomeranian puppies enjoy training and are eager to please, but if they spend too much time practicing tricks, they will eventually tire out quickly.

Remember that teaching your Pomeranian puppy tricks is supposed to help you bond with them and keep them busy. They shouldn’t be punished or told what they did wrong because they’ll get confused about what you want from them.

Easy tricks for your Pomeranian puppy

There are a lot of tricks you can teach your little friend, but these are great for new owners. Once your pup is good at these, you can move on to harder tricks. Let’s get started!

The Sitting Trick

“Sit” is the first command you should teach your Pomeranian puppy. It’s a great way to teach them discipline and patience, which comes in handy when they need to wait. Start by holding a small training treat out in front of them.

Hold on to the treatment until they sit down, and then give it to them right away. Then, step back or wait until they stand up. Repeat the motion with another treat in your hand, then repeat the last step.

The Staying Trick

You can teach your Pomeranian puppy to stay once it knows how to “sit.” Teaching your Pomeranian puppy to “stay” is one of the most useful tricks you can teach them. It will help keep them from running out the front door or waiting for crumbs at the dinner table.

Once your Pom is sitting, tell them “stay” and raise your hand to show them what you want them to do. Have your pom stay still and look at you for 10 to 15 seconds.

Don’t give your Pomeranian puppy a treat if it gets up.

The Laying Down Trick

Once your Pom is sitting down, use a treat to get their attention and move it in front of their nose toward the ground. It might take them a minute to get it, but eventually, their nose should lead the way.

Move the treat slowly across the ground and toward you until your Pomeranian puppy is lying down. If your Pomeranian puppy gets up right away, try again until he or she is completely flat, then praise them for their hard work.

“The Shake Trick”

Offer your Pomeranian puppy’s hand. Even if they don’t know what to do first, you shouldn’t force their paw. Let them figure it out on their own, even if it takes some time. They will probably sniff, lick, or bite your hand.

Once you have your Pomeranian puppy’s paw in your hand, praise it and give it its treat right away.

Repeat the trick a few times until they get it, then start using verbal cues like “shake” or “paw.”

Trick High Five

“High-five” is a trick that is similar to “shake.” Your Pomeranian puppy has to put its paw on your palm. Follow the same steps as above, but every time they give you their paw, lift your hand just a little bit higher.

So, they’ll have to reach up, which will eventually get them to stand up so they can ‘high-five’ your hand. Make sure they know the difference between “shake hands” and “high five,” then use the verbal cue.

Don’t forget to always give them something afterward!

Hard Tricks for Pomeranian Puppies

Now that your Pomeranian puppy knows the basics, it’s time to take things to the next level! Here are some advanced Pomeranian puppy tricks that have more steps and take a lot more practice to learn.

But once they get the hang of it, it will be a lot of fun.

The Trick of Sitting Pretty

“Sit pretty” is a trick that starts with your Pomeranian puppy sitting normally and ends with them standing on their front legs. Because not all Pomeranian puppies are the same, it may take a few tries for them to feel comfortable and confident with this trick.

Start by telling your Pomeranian puppy to sit. Then, hold your treat just above their heads and put your arm out for them to hold onto. As they stand up, they will probably lean on you to get into the “sit pretty” position.

This is when you can give them a treat. Try this a few more times, and then take your arm away so they can learn to balance on their own. Join your spoken cue to the trick.

The Rolling Over Trick

Kneel in front of your Pomeranian puppy while holding the treat. First, get them to get down on the ground by waving the treat from their nose to the ground. Wait until they are facing down, and then slowly drag the treat to the side, bringing your Pomeranian puppy’s head to their shoulder.

Give your Pomeranian puppy a treat when it does that, and do it a few more times. Once your Pomeranian puppy is comfortable, move the treat away from their shoulder until they lie on its side.

Putting on a Dead Act Trick

You should teach your Pomeranian puppy to play dead, especially when other people are around. Like with “roll over,” you’ll need to put a treat on the ground so that they lie on their side.

If your Pomeranian puppy tries to roll over, don’t give them the treat and try again from the top. To avoid confusion, ensure that the word or hand signal for this trick is different from “roll over.”

Between each try, try to get your Pomeranian puppy to stay down for a few more seconds before giving it a treat.

Last Words: How to train a Pomeranian puppy to do tricks

Remember to stop when your Pomeranian puppy looks tired, give them their favorite treats, and most importantly, have fun!

By practicing these tricks with your furry friend, you’ll be able to build a strong, trusting relationship with them.

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