Pomeranian Puppies

When Do Pomeranian Puppies Get Fluffy? (Explained)

August 3, 2022

On average, Pomeranians get fluffy around the 10-month mark. Late bloomers may reach this point sometime after their first year, as late as 18 months in some cases. In most cases, a pomeranian will develop that fluffy look before its first birthday.

Until now, your puppy will look more like any other cute dog, not a Pomeranian. Once the transition is completed, the characteristic fluffy look will be present.

Pomeranian puppies become fluffy after the transition between puppyhood and adulthood.

Fluffy fur comes in at maturity when the puppy fur is shed off and replaced by the adult version. This phase is characterized by an ugly phase where puppies look shabby, known as ‘puppy uglies’.

Once the fur change is complete, your puppy will have the characteristic fluffy fur of a Pomeranian.

Fun fact: Every pomeranian is different, which can mean different levels of fluffiness. No need to be alarmed if your Pomeranian isn’t fluffy at one or not as fluffy as other Pomeranians.

You can wait for its fur or improve it with proper grooming and maintenance.

At What Age Do Pomeranians Start Growing Hair?

Pomeranians start growing fluffy hair around the 4-6 month mark, around the same time the puppy fur falls off.

The growth is slow and takes a few months to be completed. The transition sees a Pomeranian have patchy hair resulting in a characteristic ugly appearance.

Once the ugly phase occurs, the new hair grows, is longer, and has more layers than the puppy hair, giving the Pomeranian a fluffy look.

On the other hand, Puppies start growing hair around the 12 weeks mark. The hair of puppies grows temporarily and last only a few months before being replaced by permanent adult fur.

Puppy fur is short and serves as protection until the main fur sets in.

Fun fact: Not all dogs start growing fur at the expected time.

Some dogs can start earlier, while others will take longer. If you have any cause to worry about, you can always contact a vet or try stimulating hair growth with a few harmless practices.

How To Make A Pomeranian’s Fur Fluffy

A Pomeranian’s fur sometimes doesn’t turn out fluffy, much to the dismay of its owner.

No need to worry; you can get your Pomeranian’s hair fluffy with a few practices. Before you proceed to make your Pomeranian’s hair fluffy, make sure it is old enough.

Groom Your Fluffy Pomeranian Regularly

Grooming is important for every dog, and more so in Pomeranians.

They are fragile and require more care than most other dog breeds. Grooming involves trimming your dog’s hair, nails and regular baths.

Frequency is necessary to give a Pomeranian its characteristic fluffy appearance. While trimming nails and hair must be periodic, baths can be regular.

Bath your Pomeranian whenever you can with the right dog products, which all help improve fur quality.

Bathing will also help prevent infections and diseases which may cause patchy fur. While bathing your dog, you can detect any discrepancies in the fur early and solve them.

Shaving Or Giving A Teddy Bear Cut

Shaving or trimming your Pomeranian will directly affect the look of the dog.

You can give a Pomeranian many haircuts, all of which come with a distinct look. The most popular choices for the fluffy Pomeranian look are the teddy bear cut and lion cut.

Once you select a haircut, get a professional to administer it to your Pomeranian.

Trimming is the keyword when giving your Pomeranian a haircut. Never shave off your Pomeranian’s hair; only reduce or shapen it.

The hair of a shaved Pomeranian may never grow back or do so differently if it ever does. Trimming will help keep the hair volume in check and improve the overall appearance of your Pomeranian.

Check For Health Issues

Health issues can cause a Pomeranian to shed its fur or lack the characteristic fluffiness.

With Pomeranians notably sensitive to infections and diseases, hair loss is possible. Consult your vet and schedule frequent checkups to determine your Pomeranian health status.

Where a Pomeranian has fur defects associated with a disease or illness, treating the dog is the only way to stop it. With the return of perfect health, the Pomeranian fur will return to its fluffy nature.

Pregnancy isn’t a disease but can also cause hair loss in dogs. Your Pomeranian may shed before and after birthing puppies. Once she recovers from the birth, her fur will return to its normal state.

Use Supplements

Supplements can help give your Pomeranian fluffy fur. Supplements are designed to provide certain necessities to a Pomeranian, which are useful in hair formation and stimulation.

A supplement may not be enough on its own to produce fluffy. You can always use supplements and other methods to boost your Pomeranian’s fur.

Causes Of Flat Fur In Pomeranians

Some Pomeranians have flat fur, a cause for concern amongst dog owners. Identifying the cause of flat fur can help point you toward a solution. There are a few common possible causes of flat fur in a Pomeranian, which include:


The fur type is passed down from parent to child, like humans and hair.

Parents with flat fur will have children of a similar type. Genetics and evolution theory will factor in when two parents have different traits. While you may not be able to change genetics, you can alter the physical appearance of your Pomeranian.

With the right practices, your Pomeranian won’t magically become fluffy, but it can appear cute and cuddly.


Diet doesn’t just refer to the number of times a dog is fed, but the constituents of its meals. Choose high-quality feed for a dog, checking the nutritional content of the feed before buying.

Diet affects many things, including fur health. A well-fed dog will have a certain glow, adding to the fluffy fur appeal. If you are changing the feed, maintain the same level of quality or more instead of choosing a less rich option.

A rich diet may not over-power a factor like genetics, but it may be able to supplement flat fur in a dog.

Health Issues

Illness in a dog can contribute to the outward appearance of a dog, including fur. Certain health issues are identified by hair loss or patchy fur. Contact your vet if you notice patchy fur on your dog when it previously had a full body of fur.

Most health issues are accompanied by other symptoms, making identifying them easier. The earlier you identify a health issue, the better the chances of fighting it off and restoring your Pomeranian’s fur.


Pomeranians don’t start growing fur at a certain age; even then, they grow puppy fur first. Puppy fur is flat, with the conventional fluffy Pomeranian coming on later with adulthood.

The process is natural, so you must wait and ensure the puppy is well-catered for. The same applies to an older Pomeranian with hair loss coming with age. Senior Pomeranians sometimes appear patchy, losing the fluffy fur they once had.

It may be difficult to differentiate hair loss due to illness and age. Old age is usually accompanied by other factors like reduced appetite and activity in conjunction with hair loss.

Do Pomeranians lose their puppy fur?

Yes, Pomeranians lose their puppy fur during the transition to adulthood. When the Pomeranian is around six months old, it will start to shed fur, creating the puppy uglies phase. Once the puppy hair starts to fall off, the adult fur will start replacing it.

The process takes a few months, and while you expect it to be over before the Pomeranian turns one, it can take longer sometimes.

All dogs are born without hair, but around the 12-week mark, they develop puppy fur.

Puppy fur is single-coated, unlike adult fur, and can’t protect an adult Pomeranian. Puppy fur is temporary, giving your dog a little protection until the main fur sets in.

The amount of fur on each Pomeranian differs due to underlying factors like genetics.

Fun fact: The transition between puppy and adult fur can see a Pomeranian change colour. It is difficult to tell a puppy’s colour because shedding can lead to a new color.

You can try checking the color behind the puppy’s ear, but that isn’t always reliable.

Why Is My Pomeranian Fur Not Fluffy?

In most cases, your Pomeranian’s fluffiness will be determined mainly by genetics.

Every Pomeranian is unique and possesses different traits from others. Just as breeding horses and producing superior offspring based on the intended quality. Parents with naturally fluffy and shiny fur will produce similar offspring and vice versa.

You may be able to improve the quality and quantity of your Pomeranian’s fur, but genetics plays a defining role.

Factors like the dog’s age, breeding methods, and, most importantly, grooming can affect the fluffiness of a Pomeranian.

You don’t have much control over the other factors when buying a Pomeranian, but you can control grooming practices. Most breeders keep records of the parents of a Pomeranian and breeding practices so that you can make an informed decision.

The most likely scenario is that your Pomeranian isn’t of the age where its coat is fluffy.

Some Pomeranians are naturally more fluffy than others, thanks to a thicker undercoat. No need to be concerned if your Pomeranian doesn’t look as fluffy as others, especially if there is no case of disease.

Conclusion: When Do Pomeranian Puppies Get Fluffy?

Pomeranians will generally get fluffy once they reach maturity. The degree of each Pomeranian is different and unique. The proper maintenance practices allow your Pomeranian to be as fluffy as needed.

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