Pomeranians sleep

Do Pomeranians sleep a lot? (Read This First)

Pomeranians sleep a lot, so you need not be alarmed at your pet’s sleeping habits. When awake, they tend to be agile, seek attention and follow you.

Additionally, Pomeranians need frequent exercise, all of which take a physical toll on them, prompting them to sleep most of the time.

The more active your Pomeranian is, the more sleep it will likely need. The better the sleep your Pomeranian gets, the more active it will be. Sleep and energy go hand in hand and should never be taken for granted.

A Pomeranian that doesn’t get enough sleep will behave oddly during the day, usually having limited interactions.

Fun fact: A Pomeranian’s sleep isn’t restricted to one session but is split across multiple sleep sessions. Most of their sleep is confined to the night, the same hours the household sleeps, but they add a few naps during the day.

Luckily, they tend to be alert even while they sleep and are up once they hear something.

Is It Normal For A Pomeranian To Sleep A Lot?

Yes, it is normal for a pomeranian to sleep a lot, and it is weird to have one sleep so little. The average sleeps most of the day, especially when they are left home alone during the day.

Once it is well rested, the Pomeranian can remain active during its waking hours. While they sleep, their minds and bodies are replenished, making for a fun-loving pet.

Different Pomeranian age groups have different sleeping requirements and needs. You will notice your dog sleeps less as it ages, spending more time awake.

This isn’t a cause for concern, though, as it is natural. You can contact a vet to confirm if your Pomeranian sleeps too much or too little.

Fun fact: Pomeranians sometimes mirror the sleeping patterns of their owners. The more its owner sleeps, the more the Pomeranian will sleep. An owner who spends most of their time sleeping will have a pomeranian that often sleeps, even when the owner isn’t around.

Do Pomeranians Tire Easily?

Yes, Pomeranians get tired rather easily, especially when they get enough physical activity. Indoor physical activity doesn’t do much to tire out a Pomeranian, but a stroll through the park can do the trick.

Since Pomeranians need daily exercise, some dog owners use exercise to tire them out and send them to sleep.

Age plays a crucial role in how easily a Pomeranian gets tired. Older and younger Pomeranians tend to tire easier than adult Pomeranians.

The amount of physical activity and exercise you subject your Pomeranian to should reduce as it ages. Your Pomeranian may get to a point where all it will do is sleep and eat, usually in its old age.

You can influence how tired your Pomeranian gets, but little can be done about how fast it happens.

Each Pomeranian is different, and what works for one may have little or no effect on another. The best thing you can do is study your Pomeranian and understand what is best for it.

Factors that affect how much Pomeranians sleep

The rates at which a pomeranian falls asleep are beyond your control, but that doesn’t stop you from controlling how much sleep your Pomeranian gets.

These factors can help you ascertain how much your Pomeranian should sleep and determine if there is a problem. Some of the factors that affect how much a Pomeranian sleeps include:

Age Of The Pomeranian

Each pomeranian age group has different sleeping requirements, and in most cases, this governs how much they sleep. Younger and older Pomeranians require the most sleep and are easily fatigued to that end.

The progression of the sleeping requirement flows in a curve, with the least sleep required during adulthood. Newborns and elderly Pomeranians require the most sleep and tend to sleep up to 3 quarters of the day.

Check your Pomeranian’s sleep habits against the expected pattern for age to determine if it is healthy.

Once your Pomeranian leaves each age group, you will notice a little irregularity as it settles into its new pattern, but it is no cause for concern.


The principle behind this is simple; the more tired your Pomeranian is, the more it will sleep.

Just as humans sleep to recover from physical exhaustion, dogs sleep more when tired. Once you engage your dog in a new physical activity, it will sleep more than it normally does.

The more demanding the said activity is, the more sleep your dog will require to recharge. Ultimately, your dog may want nothing more than to lie down and drift off to sleep.

As most physical activities Pomeranians engage in are user-defined, it is easy to tell when this is the reason for their sleep. There is no need for concern when your dog sleeps abnormally after getting some exercise.


Boredom can send anyone to sleep, and Pomeranians are no exception.

Pomeranians crave attention and love social interaction, and once this is unavailable, they may simply drift off to sleep. Boredom is especially common amongst

Pomeranians leave home alone when their owners work. You can’t tell whether your dog sleeps all day when you are at work, but it may mess up their other sleeping habits.

If you have any reason to be concerned about your dog sleeping too much due to boredom, you can set them up with some toys. Toys, slow feeders, and puzzles help keep the dog busy in your absence, lowering the need to sleep.

Alternatively, you can hire someone to spend the day with the dog and take them on walks, a dog sitter.

Health Status

A dog sleeping too much or too little can indicate a health condition. Sleep conditions like Insomnia are possible for Pomeranians, which will see them sleep too little.

The more likely situation will see your dog sleep too much, causing concern. Before you conclude that something is wrong with your dog, you should ensure that it isn’t just ageing. Fatigue and longer sleeping hours are also associated with old age and should be ruled out before anything else.   

A Full Stomach

Your dog’s food can also cause it to sleep more than usual. Humans also feel heavy and tired after gorging themselves on a meal, and so do Pomeranians.

A Pomeranian overeating often accompanies throwing up before they drift off to sleep. Always feed your dog the appropriate am

Making Your Pomeranian Sleep Easier

If your Pomeranian isn’t getting enough sleep, it will surely be affected when awake.

You can help make it more comfortable or induce sleep, all hoping to have a lively Pomeranian when it is awake. A few additions and changes to your Pomeranian’s lifestyle, and it will surely sleep better.

Here are a few ways you can help ease your Pomeranian’s sleep:

Have A Set Routine

A set routine is the first step to training a Pomeranian; seeing as they are highly intelligent, they can be trained to do anything. Once you have established a set sleep routine, including sleep and wake-up times with your Pomeranian, it becomes a habit.

Training a Pomeranian to follow a set sleep routine is like training it to do anything else, requiring patience and consistency. You can reward it with treats when necessary until the routine is perfect. Once the set time arrives, your dog will instantly feel sleepy and move to its assigned sleeping area.

Create A Soft Bed

The bed your dog sleeps in can help make its sleep easier, possibly lasting longer. If your dog has problems sleeping, first ensure that its sleeping area is comfortable.

Consider a human sleeping on an uncomfortable bed; sleep will be short and unpleasant. The same applies to Pomeranians, especially when they are new to the bed.

After a while, they may adapt to it, but it isn’t advised. Pomeranians love soft beds, and you should get one for their own, making it the ideal sleeping location.

It also helps the Pomeranian sleep easier when they love the feel of their bed.

Frequent Exercise

Exercise can help wear out your Pomeranian, putting them in a tired mood and ready to sleep. It is worth noting that the more tired your Pomeranian is, the more sleep it will require, and the more exercise it gets, the more tired it will get.

Exercise is a popular method used by most dog owners to prepare their Pomeranians for bed, taking the dog out for a long walk, and by the time it is over, they will feel sleepy. Keep it light when you aren’t looking to disrupt your dog’s sleep schedule.

A Comfortable Environment

The state of the dog’s kennel or pen can influence its sleeping desire.

A neat sleeping environment will surely be more appealing to your Pomeranian than a messy one. Likewise, the weather will also influence your dog’s sleep quality.

Dogs prefer a warm environment, and while their fur can keep them warm, it sometimes isn’t enough. Creating a warm enough environment can help make your dog’s sleep more pleasant.

How Many Hours Should A Pomeranian Sleep?

A Pomeranian Should sleep at least 12 hours daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Their age determines the number of hours your Pomeranian should sleep.

A puppy can sleep as much as 20 hours daily, while an adult sleeps for about 12 hours daily.

A Pomeranian shouldn’t get its sleep in one session; rather, it should be spread out through multiple sessions. They should be allowed to sleep through the night, just like humans, and then take several naps in the day.

Newborns don’t have much problem with this and spend most of the day asleep, only waking up to feed.

Fun fact: Elderly Pomeranians sleep more than adults but still have similar times to adults. The main distinguishing factor between an adult and an elderly pom is a few minutes or hours per sleep session. Conditions like pregnancy may also cause an adult Pomeranian to have an irregular sleep pattern.

Last Call: Do Pomeranians sleep a lot?

Pomeranians are generally considered normal for dogs, although they are heavy sleepers from a human perspective. A Pomeranian sleeping a lot isn’t much of a problem until the pattern deviates from the norm.

Each Pomeranian is different, so observe yours and determine its regular pattern before making any assumptions.

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