Pomeranian service dog

Can a Pomeranian be a service dog? (Read This First)

A Pomeranian can serve as a service dog under the right conditions. You can train a Pomeranian to serve as a service dog, which will serve with distinction. Pomeranians are companion dogs, making them emotional enough to serve as service dogs.

Once they are aware of their role and bonded to their owner, they will easily fit into the role of a service dog.  

People don’t usually associate Pomeranians with the term service dogs due to their small stature. However, they are enthusiastic and always love to help whenever they can, all traits needed in a service dog.

Pomeranians are also very loyal and will strive to complete the job at great personal cost if necessary. They may not be a common service dog choice, but they are worth consideration.

Fun fact: Pomeranians aren’t suited to serve as service dogs for all kinds of disabilities or tasks. Their diminutive size and lack of strength limit them to easy household tasks. They can also serve as emotional support dogs, thanks to their emotional intelligence.

Who Can Use A Pomeranian As A Service Dog?

Anyone with an emotional disability or one that doesn’t require heavy tasks can use a Pomeranian as a service dog.

Common physical or mental disabilities where Pomeranians make great service dogs include: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), diabetes, and anxiety. Being affectionate and emotionally sensitive Pomeranians can be invaluable in healing while helping out with little tasks.

One of the most critical steps in healing, especially with emotional disabilities, is the capacity to love. With Pomeraninans being as lovable as they are, they are ideal for helping you develop the capacity to begin healing.

They can also help battle depression, providing companionship and running small errands around the house. When people are hearing impaired, a pomeranian can alert them of sounds like a ringing phone or a doorbell.

Fun fact: Pomeranians are naturally considered companionable dogs, making them the perfect choice as therapy dogs. The Pomeranian is an excellent choice regardless of the age of the person needing a therapy dog.

What Makes Pomeranians Good Service Dogs?

Pomeranians are excellent service dogs mainly because they are easy to train. Pomeranians are a very intelligent breed and can pick up instructions and follow directions easily. Training them doesn’t require much effort; anyone can try it using a rewards system. Alternatively, you can pay to have them trained, which won’t cost too much.

Pomeranians are also companionable, making them a great choice for dealing with emotional difficulties. Despite their diminutive appearance, Pomeranians are loyal and courageous, which comes in handy in the long haul.

Once a Pomeranian is bonded to someone with a disability, they quickly learn their place and adapt to their new life. Pomeranians can also help create a serene environment where healing can easily occur.

Perhaps the most impressive trait that makes Pomeranians an excellent choice as service animals is their low demands. A Pomeranian isn’t too difficult to care for, especially since they are very little. In addition to the basics (food and water), you will need to take them for walks and shower them with attention.

These requirements are pretty helpful to both the service dog and its owner, especially in the case of emotional disabilities.

Training A Pomeranian To Be A Service Dog

The only difference between a pet Pomeranian and a service dog is training. Training a Pomeranian to be a service dog is relatively easy, but only when done right. To that end, we look at some of the necessary steps to training a Pomeranian to be a service dog.

Step 1: Professional Training

Training a Pomeranian to be a service dog is a task best left to professionals. While they are easily trained, the process involved in training a service dog is highly technical.

It requires a lot of patience and consistency, something that you may not be able to offer, especially with a disability. Alternatively, you can personally train your Pomeranian to perform the tasks you require without worrying about much else. Once the Pomeranian can do what you need and behave calmly in public, it qualifies as a service dog.

Step 2: Identification

Your Pomeranian needs to be easily identified as a service dog, especially if you will be headed into public spaces. Most public buildings will allow a service dog in without questions, but you may still be questioned. There isn’t an official license issued for service dogs, but you can still get them an identification vest.

The best makes it easy to identify the Pomeranian as a service dog, eliminating any need for annoying questions.

Step 3: Approved Locations

Most locations let service dogs in except for a few, specifically religious centres. Religious centres will not accommodate a service dog in any capacity, so leave the dog at home if you are headed to one. Some locations can specify that there are no pets allowed, which may be extended to include service dogs.

Pros And Cons Of Using A Pomeranian As a Service Dog

Using a Pomeranian as a service dog comes with both positives and negatives. While they are a great choice, there may be a few things that may deter you.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using a Pomeranian as a service dog:

The Pros

Great Family Dogs

Pomeranians are lovable dogs, and this goes for every age group, including owners. Old, young, rich, or poor, a Pomeranian will relate seamlessly with everyone. Their ability to serve any age group makes them ideal for a family household.

You can have them as a service dog, and they will still be friendly with other family members. Since the goal is to heal, the Pomeranian will see you through your ordeal until you are healed and continue with your family life.

Easy To Train

The best perk of using a Pomeranian as a service dog is that they are easy to train. Pomeranians are highly intelligent, pick up clues easily and settle into their defined roles easily. If you decide to have them trained professionally, it costs relatively less, as they require fewer training sessions.

When training your Pomeranian, you can hasten the process by offering incentives, making them learn even faster. Soon enough, you have a trained Pomeranian ready to serve as your service dog.

Long Life

One underrated but the essential quality you need in a service dog is a long life span, something Pomeranians possess. The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is about 12 years, and you may even get 15 out of some. Y

ou won’t have to worry about training a new Pomeranian for your needs anytime, so the odds are that you will be better long before the Pomeranian app approaches the tail end of its life. It won’t be anytime soon if you need to train a new service dog.

The Cons

They May be Too Demanding

As easy as they are to train and cater to, Pomeranians have one crucial flaw, their need for attention. No amount of attention is seemingly good enough for a Pomeranian, and they will hound you continuously.

Even when they have enough food and water, they will still prioritize attention which can prove too much for you. Luckily, with the right training, you may be able to deal with their need for attention and channel it elsewhere. If the Pomeranian serves as a family dog, it may also be able to get attention elsewhere while still serving as a service dog.


Pomeranians need to be groomed frequently, especially since they are hairy dogs. Without frequent grooming, your Pomeranian will shed hair everywhere it goes, even in you. You must trim its hair frequently to keep it from getting too much.

In keeping with the grooming requirements, you will need to trim its nails and care for its teeth. When its nails get too long, they can injure you or the dog itself. Teeth, on the other hand, teeth may not be harmful to you, but they can get infected, causing discomfort for the dog.

Potty Training

Despite being relatively easy to train, Pomeranians are notoriously difficult to potty train. They have erratic bathroom schedules because they are small dogs that eat a lot. It is sure to cause you problems, especially in the early days.

You can successfully potty train the Pomeranian at some point, but not before the dog causes a bit of a mess. You can create a training area for the dog to limit the mess to one area.

What Chores Are Pomeranians Perfectly Suited To?

Any household task that doesn’t require physicality perfectly suits a Pomeranian. Opening kitchen cabinets, fetching newspapers and alerting you of specific sounds all fall into this classification. There are other requirements for a Pomeranian to serve as a service dog, but carrying out these tasks is the first step.

Be sure to keep all tasks assigned to your Pomeranian light.

Fun fact: Not every Pomeranian is cut out as a service dog. Every service dog requires intelligence and sociable public behavior, and not all Pomeranians possess these qualities. Observe your Pomeranian before choosing and training it as a service dog.

Last Words: Can a Pomeranian be a service dog?

A Pomeranian can serve as a service dog if you like; all it requires is the necessary training. Their natural sociability and loyalty make them an excellent choice for this role. As they are easy to train, it’s no wonder many people consider them to be service dogs.

Not all disabilities can fit Pomeranian abilities, so only use a Pomeranian for easy tasks.

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