My Pomeranian Has Flat Fur (Causes And What You Should Do)

August 3, 2022

Flat fur is a surprisingly common condition amongst Pomeranians.

Where Pomeranians are supposed to have fluffy fur and appear cute, some of them have flat fur amongst Pomeranians. Known for their characteristic fluffy fur and cute appearance, some Pomeranians are different.

In most cases, flat fur is beyond your control, but that doesn’t mean you are helpless. Understanding the causes of flat fur can help you avoid it and, if possible, solve the problem.

What Causes Flat Fur?

Each flat fur case differs from the next but usually has similar origins. There are limited possible causes of flat fur in a Pomeranian, and they include:


The first thing to check before buying a Pomeranian is the parents’ history.

Traits are passed down from one generation to the next, including fur. A Pomeranian with flat fur will produce a similar offspring.

Flat fur is usually assured when both parents have it, and a probability when only one parent has it.

If you are buying a Pomeranian from a breeder, ask to see the parents if possible.

You can’t alter the genes of a Pomeranian, but you may be able to improve the appearance and length of the fur. If flat fur is a problem for you, select only offspring of parents with fluffy fur.

Some traits are hidden for generations before they manifest. A pomeranian may have flat fur even if both parents have fluffy hair. It may simply be a manifestation of flat fur from several generations back.


All dogs shed, and with Pomeranians being particularly hairy, they are heavy shedders.

Shedding is periodic, and your dog will appear to have flat fur each time it happens. You shouldn’t panic as the hair will grow back, so long as there aren’t any underlying problems.

You will notice hair traces everywhere the Pomeranian goes, indicating it is shedding. Wait out the shedding; your dog will be fluffy once the transition is completed.

Adult Pomeranians have two layers of fur; when the inner layer is shed, the fur will appear flat. Shedding sometimes occurs subtly, and sometimes, you don’t notice.

Factors like temperature can affect the rate of shedding, causing flat fur. Cold weather usually causes faster shedding and flat fur, with hot weather doing the opposite.


Older Pomeranians tend to shed hair more frequently, especially outside shedding season, causing flat fur.

Likewise, infants and newborn puppies have flat or no fur. The Puppyhood era is defined by short fur, whereas a pomeranian looks like any other dog.

The puppyhood era will pass when your dog transitions into adulthood and grows fluffy fur. With old age, there isn’t much you can do except manage how the dog looks till it passes.


Illness is another possible reason a Pomeranian will have flat fur instead of the characteristic fluffy fur.

Not all illnesses cause flat fur, whereas it can serve as an indicator of certain diseases.

Once you can rule out the other possible causes of flat fur in your Pomeranian, the ideal is to test for any known illnesses.

Illnesses are often accompanied by other symptoms which can help you detect their presence.

The earlier you can detect any illness, the better the chances of a full recovery for your Pomeranian. Where illness is responsible for flat fur, the dog will make a full fur recovery once the illness is gone.

Puppy Uglies

Puppy uglies are commonly used to describe the transition between puppyhood and adulthood.

During this period, a Pomeranian will suffer from hair loss, and patchy and flat fur, causing it to appear ugly. Puppy uglies are the result of transitioning from puppy coats to adult coats.

Puppy fur is being shed and replaced with a permanent version causing an unpleasant appearance.

Puppy uglies start around three months and are usually over before the Pomeranian turns one.

The process is different in every dog, with some shedding more than others, resulting in flat fur. Interestingly, not all puppies go through puppy uglies, but more than 80% of them do.

Solving The Flat Fur Problem

A Flat fur on your Pomeranian is less of a problem, especially when you know how to solve it.

There are several possible solutions to flat fur, each dependent on the cause of the problem.

Identify the cause before choosing the appropriate solution. Some of the solutions most associated with common causes of flat fur in Pomeranians include:

A Health Diet

Feeding your Pomeranian regularly and nutritionally is key to maintaining a fluffy hairdo.

A healthy diet can help prevent certain illnesses, prevent flat fur, and fix it where it is already present. If you feed your Pomeranian a dog mix, check the nutritional content to ensure it is rich enough for your Dog before feeding it.

A healthy diet will also help promote healthy growth throughout the Pomeranian’s body, including the hair follicles. Patchy fur can indicate a dietary imbalance, leading to an illness.

You can try switching your feed brands or increasing the protein content using a homemade feed. The healthier the meal, the lower the chances of your dog suffering from flat fur.

Shiny fur is another benefit of a healthy diet. One way to identify a well-fed dog is the quality of the fur, both in terms of volume and appearance. Your Pomeranians fur will appear full and healthy with a healthy diet.


Grooming practices are essential in determining your Pomeranian’s final appearance.

There are a lot of steps involved in grooming, and each can affect your Pomeranian’s fur. The most obvious grooming practice that can help with flat fur is brushing.

Brushing daily will help stimulate the hair glands, boosting hair production whilst straightening the fur and eliminating flatness.

Another grooming practice that can help combat flat fur is bathing your Pomeranian.

Bathing affords two benefits it can prevent or solve flat fur. Bathing can help prevent infections, potentially preventing illnesses that can cause flat fur. Whenever your Pomeranian spends time out of the house, it may be prudent t bathe it.

Bathing products can also help to combat flat fur by moistening fur and stimulating hair growth. Use specialized products formulated to help with hair growth when looking to combat flat fur.


Supplements are a useful way of combating flat fur.

They are specially formulated to stimulate hair glands and improve hair growth.

From length to texture, supplements make your Pomeranian’s fur desirable. Before using any supplements on your Pomeranian, check with a ver to determine the product’s viability and if it is advisable for your Pomeranian.

On their own, supplements are effective, but when coupled with a healthy diet.

You won’t need too many supplements that properly utilize diet and other factors. Supplements are rich in vitamins, minerals and other elements which greatly influence health and growth, including fur.

What Is Good For Pomeranian Fur?

Proteins, fats, Fruits and vegetables, and carbohydrates are all excellent for fur.

Meat is a great protein source and tends to be the focus of most feeds. You should balance your feeding plan by adding other necessary classes so your Pomeranian’s fur will remain in excellent condition.

If you make a homemade mix, use many food classes to balance it.

Supplements come in handy to balance out any shortcomings in the dietary area.

Make an effort to give your dog the healthiest meal possible, and then consider supplements for maximum effect. Oils are especially important as they keep your Pomeranian’s fur moist and prevent it from drying.

Many Manyements are rich in oils, making them the perfect addition to your Pomeranian’s diet.

Fun fact: Diet isn’t the only thing that is good for your Pomeranian. Regular exercise, proper fur care and a neat habitat all play an important role in fur quality. Pay attention to each factor for healthier Pomeranian fur.

Will My Pomeranian’s Fur Grow Back?

A Pomeranian’s fur may never grow back to its former form if it is shaved off.

Shaving off hair in humans is a popular technique for stimulating hair growth, but the reverse is true in dogs. The fur may grow back the way you intended, or it may flow differently or not at all.

If you want your Pomeranian to have a different look, you are best served to trim its fur.

Trimming is used to give Pomeranians a cute appearance, and haircuts like lion and teddy bear cuts are widely popular.

Always let a professional groomer handle trimming to ensure your dog’s fur isn’t cut too low. You can end up with a dog you aren’t satisfied with after a botched haircut.

Fun fact: A trim can help reduce allergies and reactions to Pomeranian fur. Shaving may seem ideal if you are allergic to your dog’s fur, but a slight trim can do the trick.

Should I Use A Conditioner On My Pomeranian?

No, you should never use a human conditioner on a Pomeranian. Conditioners may be good for human hair, but their chemicals harm a Pomeranian. Use only those suitable for dogs if you have to use any products on your Pomeranian’s fur.

The wrong product can cause irritation and imbalance, harming your Pomeranian’s fur.

The same goes for soap and other skin and hair care products. Never transfer human products for Pomeranian use and vice versa. Pomeranian care products are specifically formulated for dogs and should only be used for them.

You may not need a conditioner or special hair product for your Pomeranian, but always use the Pomeranian option where necessary. Pomeranian hair care products afford other benefits beyond softening and improving fur texture.

Last Words: My Pomeranian Has Flat Fur

Flat fur isn’t the most common condition amongst Pomeranians, but it isn’t a cause for alarm.

Flat fur normally indicates an issue, and diagnosing it can help you fix the problems.

With proper care and maintenance, you may never have to worry about flat fur in your Pomeranian with proper care and maintenance.

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