why pomeranians cry

Why Do Pomeranians Cry? (+ How To Stop It From Crying)

A Pomeranian usually cries as a means of communicating that something is wrong. There are a lot of possible reasons why a Pomeranian can cry. The first step to stopping a crying Pomeranian is understanding why it is crying.

While each Pomeranian is unique, they still behave similarly to the others.

A Pomeranian crying is to be expected, especially younger ones. There are a few common reasons that tend to apply to all Pomeranians. If you have a crying Pomeranian, then it is likely caused by:


Pomeranians get easily hungry, as they have small stomachs.

However, hunger isn’t a major factor for them crying until it is an extreme case. You can face such a scenario whenever you leave your Pomeranian home alone while at work, especially if there isn’t food on your dog’s plate.

The easy solution is to fill your dog’s plate before leaving for work, but with the risk of overfeeding, some people avoid this option.

The hungrier your dog gets, the louder and more frequent its cries will get until it gets some food. The cries are merely to get your attention and, hopefully, get some food.

Health Issues

Health issues are a common reason for a Pomeranian to cry, especially when the health issue is accompanied by pain. When the dog feels sore or is dealing with a painful inconvenience, it will cry out for a solution.

Diagnosing pain in your Pomeranian is easy, as it will wince and cry each time something touches the affected area.

The affected area will be inflamed or enlarged in most cases, making identification easy. The same goes for bruises or injuries which are easily identified. The longer the dog is in pain, the more it will cry until the problem is addressed and the pain is gone.

Attention Seeking

Pomeranians are generally known as attention seekers and have been known to cry to that effect. Crying to get attention is mostly common amongst younger Pomeranians and rescues new to their surroundings.

Once the Pomeranian gets used to the owner’s absence or a lack of attention, crying will stop or at least be less frequent.

Training the Pomeranian will also help reduce crying and prevent other nasty attention-seeking habits. One helpful tip for coping with an attention-seeking Pomeranian is not to give in when it is crying.

Once you always show up when it cries, it will become a habit that will be hard to break.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common amongst Pomeranians, and while not all of them suffer, it is pretty common.

Separation anxiety is a serious condition that shouldn’t be taken for granted once identified. A Pomeranian suffering from separation anxiety will cry and bark each time it is left alone.

Separation anxiety isn’t always easy to treat as Pomeranians are notably toy breeds or companion dogs. They crave attention naturally, with some doing so more than others.

Training the dog can sometimes help it cope with separation anxiety, but your vet may have to intervene at other times.


Pomeranians are notably brave dogs and don’t frighten or scare easily, but even they can sometimes be overwhelmed. Not many things can scare a Pomeranian, but a lack of social interaction can contribute to it.

A Pomeranian that is cut off from other dogs can easily be frightened by the size of other dogs or their aggression.

A scared Pomeranian often accompanies its cries by running away or hiding behind something.

A Pomeranian can also be scared when moving to a new environment or relieving a past trauma. The more comfortable it gets with its new owners, the less scared it will be, and the less it will recall its past trauma.

How To Stop A Pomeranian From Crying

Once you have a crying Pomeranian, the challenge becomes how to keep it quiet. A Pomeranian’s cries can be annoying and persistent, causing complaints from neighbors and passersby. If the pomer6is home alone, it can cause multiple problems, especially if the dog gets restless.

Stopping a Pomeranian from crying usually depends on the dog itself, but your actions play a significant role. There are a few tricks that have been known to be largely effective in silencing a crying dog, including:

Identify The Cause And Meet Its Needs

The best thing to do is identify why the dog is crying and address it directly. With this method, you are sure your dog will stop crying once it gets what it wants. In the case of an injury, all you may be able to do is ease the pain till the dog heals naturally.

Identifying the cause of the injury will also help reduce guessing, making problem-solving straightforward. The biggest issue is that not all of a Pomeranian’s needs may be easily met without discomfort to the owner.

Some of its needs are easier to meet than others, but ultimately, they can all be solved, and your Pomeranian will return to normal.

Distract It

Distracting the Pomeranian from its pain is a temporary solution at best, but it is very effective. Luckily, Pomeranians are easily distracted, especially when you give them some attention.

When the source of the pain isn’t something serious, then a distraction can be an excellent solution.

Music can also be an excellent distraction l, especially when using soothing songs. Avoid loud or sudden sounds as these may terrify the dog, creating a new cause for concern.

Never forget that distraction is best used as a temporary solution, so you still need to seek a more tangible solution in the long term.

Physical Contact

Physical contact isn’t always ideal, but it tends to calm most crying Pomeranians. Same as giving your Pomeranian some attention, physical contact isn’t always the solution unless the reason for your dog’s cries is a need for attention.

Physical contact can also be a physical examination where you inspect your dog for any injuries or irregularities.

Pomeranians are companion dogs, and attention or physical contact is never enough. While it may not necessarily stop the pain, physical contact can provide a brief respite as your dog will enjoy it.


Medication is dependent on the reason why your dog is crying.

Medication can help solve the problem or help the dog cope with the pain when your dog is suffering from an illness or injury. Medication tends to have a high success rate in stopping your dog from crying, but it requires regulation.

They are best administered only when your vet prescribes and should be used strictly according to the prescription. When using medication for your dog, it is best to store it away from them, so they don’t get into it in your absence.

Fun Games

Games generally serve as a distraction from the reason for your dog crying, but it also helps them get some exercise.

Pomeranians are generally intelligent and love fun games, which helps them bond with their owners. The games will be effective when seeking attention or bored, but in other cases, they may aggravate any existing pain.

Before playing games with your dog, identify why it is crying, or at least rule out physical discomfort.

Are Pomeranians Emotional?

Yes, Pomeranians are largely emotional animals and have the full emotional spectrum of humans, developed to a child’s level. A Pomeranian can get sad, happy, angry, and violent, just as a human would.

Their predisposition to emotions is why they can cry and whine, especially when they want something from you.

Each Pomeranian differs in its emotional levels and susceptibility, but most Pomeranians tend to mirror their owners. The more emotional the owner, the same applies to the dog.

Just as hormones and their internal chemistry influence humans, a Pomeranian’s emotions. Natural occurrences like heat and pregnancy can alter your Pomeranian’s emotions, making them behave oddly.

Did you know?: A Pomeranians’ emotional capacity makes them ideal for serving as emotional support animals. Not only do they have emotions of their own, but they can recognize them in humans and mimic them.

Pomeranians can also help bring you out of a bad mood, cheer you up and make everything seem okay, all with a little contact.

Is It Okay To Leave A Crying Pomeranian At Home Alone?

No, it isn’t okay to leave a crying Pomeranian home alone or run a brief errand.

First, you should identify why the Pomeranian is crying and solve it. If you happen to be leaving for work, you may need to hire a sitter, drop the dog off at a daycare, or risk getting noise complaints.

Only when your dog has stopped crying is it advised to leave it home alone, especially when the crying is separation anxiety induced.

Ordinarily, Pomeranians sometimes cry to seek attention, and dog owners want to avoid this.

When crying isn’t attention based, leaving a crying Pomeranian home alone will have the opposite effect, prompting the pomeranian to cry a lot more. Hence, it is always vital to identify why your Pomeranian is crying before choosing the appropriate action.

Did you know?: Crying or not, it isn’t advised to leave a pomeranian home alone for more than 8 hours. Pomeranians are social creatures and can’t do without interaction and contact for a long time.

While you don’t need to spend every waking moment with them, you should dedicate some time to them.

Are Pomeranians very clingy?

Yes, Pomeranians are very clingy, characterized by their need for attention or following owners around. Each Pomeranian is different, and some are more clingy than others.

Training conditioning can make a clingy Pomeranian less clingy or hide it better. When a clingy Pomeranian doesn’t get the attention it wants, it can resort to crying or barking.

Pomeranians are toy breeds, mostly known for their companionship, which often translates to clinginess. While yours can be different, the odds are that it won’t be. The more clingy your Pomeranian is, the better the companion it will make.

Did you know?: A Pomeranian’s clingy behaviour is sometimes influenced by its owner. Whether conscious or not, your behavior directly influences your Pomeranians. You can enable or dissuade its clinginess, as is evident in the fact that younger Pomeranians are more clingy.

Conclusion: Why Do Pomeranians Cry?

Pomeranians cry for a lot of different reasons. Once you notice your Pomeranian is crying, you should confirm why.

Most of the reasons are pretty harmless, but there may be a few serious ones that can’t be taken lightly.

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