Pomeranian Growth Stages (Everything You Need to Know)

July 30, 2022

There are four main stages in a Pomeranian’s growth: Puppyhood, Adolescence, Adult, and Senior. Each stage is marked by different characteristics and traits, all of which make up the general traits of a Pomeranian.

From the Moment a Pomeranian is born, growth begins and doesn’t stop till it dies.

This guide will take you through the main stages of a Pomeranian’s life and show you what to expect. The guide will also teach you how to handle the different phases, to get the best out of your Pomeranian.


Puppyhood is the first stage of Pomeranians’ life and lasts an average of 3 months, though it can last till six months.

This growth stage is usually quick, with the Pomeranian undergoing several changes and learning new things.

From being unable to see, hear or walk to being capable of all of it, the puppyhood stage shows the most growth in a Pomeranian.

Pomeranians are most fragile in this phase and have the most nutritional requirements. Mother’s milk is best but where it is absent, seek quality alternatives that are equally as nourishing.

Any deficiency at this growth stage may be irreparable throughout Pomeranian’s life.


Once Puppyhood ends, adolescence rolls in, and there is a brief window where they meet.

Adolescence starts from approximately six months and lasts an average of six months, ending with an adult dog.

Some Pomeranians will develop slower, so adolescence lasts as long as one year in some cases.

Pomeranians are most active in adolescence and tend to be very curious.

This is the best time to start complex training for Pomeranians, like Potty training. Transitions mark adolescence from puppyhood to adulthood, including fur change, causing a period known as ‘Puppy uglies’.


Adult Pomeranians are mature and have developed all their traits, which are difficult to change at this state.

Hormones and physical traits will be fully developed, with traits like heat and humping occurring.

Dogs may still retain characteristics from adolescence in this stage, but they will all be reduced.

The adult stage is when the Dog is in its prime in all aspects and characteristics.


The senior stage is the last stage of a Dog’s life, usually lasting till death.

There is no official age where this stage starts, but you notice certain traits, like sluggishness. Once a Dog is about ten years old, you should begin to notice age traits.

You can check with your vet as some signs may be indicative of some health problems.

How Do I Know How Big My Pomeranian Will Get?

You can estimate how big your Pomeranian will be as an adult by the 2-month mark.

At this point, you can also determine its estimated weight as an adult with simple arithmetic. A well-nursed pomeranian will grow approximately three or four times beyond its size and weight within two months.

Other factors may play a role in the outcome, but where everything is equal, the growth rate is proportional where everything is equal.

Fun Fact: A Pomeranian’s growth rate isn’t chronological. Growth is faster in a young pomeranian than in an older one.

By the time a Pomeranian is a year old, it should have peaked in size and weight. There may be a few changes due to other conditions like illness or pregnancy, but they usually revert to the original.

Factors That Affect Pomeranian Growth

A Pomeranian’s growth rate is natural but is subject to certain factors.

Each factor has a limited effect but, when combined, greatly controls the growth rate. Three main factors affect a pomeranian’s growth rate: Food, Environment, and Genetics.


All dogs need food to grow; the more food they eat, the bigger they get. Pomeranians are small dogs, so they don’t often eat large quantities but do it consistently.

A Pomeranian eats multiple times a day. Where other dogs could eat one bulk meal daily, a pomeranian will eat multiple small meals. Consult your vet to verify the number of times you can feed your dog without risking bloating.

The quality of the food your dog eats will also affect its growth. Pomeranians, especially puppies, require nutritious meals to grow. Kibble is one of the dogs’ most popular food choices because it contains all the requirements.

Where you cannot feed your dog expensive and nutritious food, you can make quality meals at home. Be sure to add a lot of meat and fish, as dogs love it.


The environment is a determinant factor in the growth of a Pomeranian.

The environmental factors include the climate, the space available to the Pomeranian, and the action of nature. Unfavorable weather and limited space will cause a dog to grow slower and limit its size.

The longer a dog is exposed to these conditions, the more pronounced its effect will be. In the case of favorable weather, the conditions will favor faster growth.

The environmental factor is a secondary determinant of a Pomeranian’s growth rate.

Favorable environmental conditions only allow a dog to grow according to other factors like food and genetics.

It doesn’t afford a dog a growth rate it isn’t capable of. Prolonged exposure to favorable environmental conditions can give rise to evolution.


Genetics is another factor that can contribute to a dog’s growth. The most obvious factor that is affected here is the dog’s size. A big dog will likely have big offspring, provided it is well-fed.

Size is a genetic trait like fur color, and the theory of genetics comes into play with every new offspring.

The growth rate is another factor that can be determined by genetics. Some Pomeranians reach maturity faster than others, while some spend a shorter time in certain growth stages.

Factors like the environment may play a key role, but genetics is a key determinant.

Caring For Your Pomeranian

Caring for your Pomeranian is a part of the environmental factor that affects the growth rate. The right care will be favourable, your Pomeranian will grow as expected, and vice versa.

Each Pomeranian is unique and may require different and special care. General care requirements apply to all Pomeranians, which every dog owner needs to practice.

Some general care practices for Pomeranian include:


Grooming is a key part of pomeranian care, and trimming is a key part of grooming. Pomeranians are naturally hairy dogs which grow hair at a quick rate.

Once hair grows to a certain level, it threatens the pomeranian. Trim the Pomeranian’s hair once it grows too long and starts to fall.

Trimming also helps to give pomeranian a characteristic look that makes them attractive. With Pomeranians being naturally active, they pick up dirt and parasites in their activities, with fur being a perfect hiding spot.

Trimming the dog will eliminate a potential hiding place, thus, preventing parasites and dust which can harm the dog.


Dogs must be bathed regularly, especially if they spend time in the house, and on the furniture. Pomeranians are mostly considered companion dogs, making them the ideal cuddle buddies.

They also like attention and curl up next to you whenever they want. Bathe them once you have the chance, especially since you don’t know where they have been in your absence.

Bathing a dog will allow you to access it for ticks and other parasites. Use only dog products when bathing them and after. Human products are unsuitable for dogs and may harm them.

After bathing them, dry them properly before freeing them.


Pomeranians are notably one of the easiest dogs to train. Intelligent and quick to pick up cues, preparing the dog to act in your absence is straightforward.

Train your Pomeranian, especially if you leave it at home alone.

Teach it about feeding time, and reacting to footsteps and doorbells. House train it not to bark when left alone, especially when you have neighbours who might be disturbed.

Training a Pomeranian should start as soon as you bring it home. When you get a Pomeranian, it will be at least eight weeks old, and there is no moment to lose.

The training should commence before the dog starts picking up unwanted traits. Potty training may prove difficult, but the Pomeranian will pick it up in the end.


Every dog should be vaccinated, and a Pomeranian is no exception. Certain diseases are fatal and have no cures, which can be prevented with a simple vaccination.

Vaccination starts soon after a dog is born, and many options exist. Consult a vet to determine which shots your dog needs and start the process at once.

Several shots are available, and your dog can’t get them all. Pick the shots for diseases that are most common in your region or most potent.

Vaccination will cause the dog to feel ill and in pain, but it will fully recover. Prepare a nursery area to monitor the dog until all the necessary shots are complete.

Many Pomeranian breeders vaccinate before selling, so confirm what shots yours already has before proceeding.


regardless of how small a Pomeranian is, it requires as much exercise as any other dog, if not more. Exercise is important to keep the Pomeranian active and contributes to its growth.

Schedule daily walks if possible; multiple sessions are best but once is still acceptable. Exercising will give the Pomeranian a chance to socialize with other dogs outside.

Pomeranians can get in trouble with other dogs, so keep a close eye on yours. The more exercise your Pomeranian gets, the more active its muscles can help its growth.

At What Age Do Pomeranians Calm Down?

Pomeranians generally calm down around 10-13 months. Once a Pomeranian reaches adulthood, it usually does away with traits from its adolescence, like unnecessary aggression.

More mature traits will start to form, and if trained, they will focus more on their tasks.

Fun fact: Not all Pomeranians calm down when they reach adulthood. Pomeranians will remain active but will temper it with discretion. Aggression will only surface in the threat of danger or accompanying some strong emotion.

Final Words: Pomeranian growth stages

A Pomeranian has different stages of growth throughout its life. The stages of growth in Pomeranian are akin to those seen in humans.

Each growth stage has specific requirements which must be met for optimum results. Once each stage ends, the next begins, and the cycle continues until death.

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