Pomeranian coat stages (Everything You Need to Know)

July 30, 2022

Pomeranians go through two major coat stages throughout their life: The puppy coat and the adult coat.

The first coat is temporary and will transition out, with the Pomeranian shedding it to be replaced by the permanent coat. Most Pomeranians complete the transition in under a year, but some take almost two years.

The Puppy Coat

The puppy coat is the first coat stage in Pomeranians, the one they are born with.

The puppy coat is layered, short and soft, all features which aren’t present in adult Pomeranians. The transition from puppy to adult coat can start as early as four months.

The period where an adult coat replaces the puppy coat is slow, lasting a few months.

A puppy coat sheds faster than adult fur can grow, causing your puppy to look shaggy. Puppy uglies, as the phrase is commonly known, mark the end of puppy fur and the beginning of the adult coat.

Colour change usually occurs during this period, with marking and other traits of the fur appearing as disappearing with the change.

The Adult Coat

The adult coat is the final coat for a Pomeranian, replacing the puppy coat as your dog ages.

The final adult coat in an adult can take up to 2 years to fully come in, but it usually arrives around the first year in most. Once the Adult coat sets in, there will still be shedding, but none that will result in colour change.

Adult coat is consist of two layers of hair namely; The outer coat and an undercoat.

The visible fur is the outer layer which gives the pomeranian its signature look. The undercoat on the other hand is shorter, denser and buried under the outer coat.

Both coats are joined together seamlessly to create the Pomeranian fur.

Other Possible Causes Of Shedding In Pomeranians

Coat change isn’t the only reason why a dog will shed its fur. Even after its adult coat has come in, your Pomeranian will still shed a few times.

Shedding may be preventable, but sometimes, your dog will shed naturally. Below are some of the causes of shedding in Pomeranians that are unavoidable:

Seasonal Shedding

Dogs generally shed periodically, once there are dead hair present. Pomeranians are naturally hairy dogs making them prone to periodic shedding.

The weather and other external factors may influence seasonal shedding by killing hair follicles.

The shedding will occur naturally and you may notice it coming off when bathing the dog.


Just as humans can lose hair due to stress, so too dogs can shed fur when stressed. The more stressed a dog is, the more hair it will shed.

To avoid stress-related shedding, create a serene environment for your Pomeranian.


Female dogs can shed hair due to changing hormones or towards the end of a heat cycle. Pregnancy also brings about shedding of fur, as hormones are always changing.

It is also common to see a new mother shed after birth.

How Long Does It Take For A Pomeranian To Get Its Full Coat?

A Pomeranian will have its full coat by the end of its first year. Once its puppy fur is shed, the adult fur will set in and form the full coat. Late bloomers may exceed their first birthday before the full coat develops, but it doesn’t exceed the second birthday.

During the change, many Pomeranians change colour from their birth colour. The Colour of the full coat is the permanent colour of the dog.

It takes a dog about a year to mature physically. A full coat is one of the ways to identify a mature dog. A Pomeranian’s full coat is responsible for its full appearance and it occurs directly after the so-called ‘ugly phase’.

Your Pomeranian will still be cute as a puppy, but the characteristic appearance of a Pomeranian only comes with a full coat.

Fun fact: Never shave off a Pomeranians hair. Grooming a pomeranian is necessary to maintain a healthy coat, but only trim the hair.

Shaving off a dog’s hair can permanently alter it. The hair will likely grow back, but it may never be as it once was. 

Pomeranian Coat Care

Without the proper care, a pomeranian’s coat will fade, lose some colour and possibly fall off. Pomeranians are companion dogs mostly on display, and patchy fur is unwelcome.

You can keep your pomeranian looking cute and maintain healthy fur with a proper pomeranian fur care routine.

Pomeranians shed fur normally, but without the proper care, fur loss is excessive. To help protect your Pomeranian’s fur, and keep it healthy and shiny, try some of the following fur care routines:

Bathe regularly

The most important thing you need to do is bathe your Pomeranian regularly. Pomeranians love to play and sometimes get dirt on their fur.

Dirt doesn’t do much damage in the short term, but in the long term, it weakens fur. Bathing the Pomeranian regularly will help prevent dirt build-up and improve fur health.

Bathing your Pomeranian regularly can also help to strengthen fur and eliminate knots.

Dogs generally tend to get their fur tangled and can house insects and parasites. Be sure to use quality shampoo and gel products when bathing your dog. Ask a vet for a recommendation before purchasing one.

Dogs and humans are different and shouldn’t use the same products. In the absence of your Pomeranian bathing products, don’t use human products instead.

You are better served bathing the dog with water alone than using human soaps and shampoo. The chemical composition of human products will harm your dog’s fur, causing discolouration.

Dry with high-quality towels

After each bath, you should dry your pomeranian properly before returning to its activities. Most dogs can’t wait to get rid of the water from their fur and will shake it off their first chance.

The fur may not be wet, but it is still moist and can attract dirt, harming the fur. Dry the water off the Pomeranian before letting it play, especially if it is headed outdoors.

The quality of the towel used in drying your Pomeranian contributes to Fur health.

Cotton towels are best, absorbing the water from the fur and leaving your Pomeranian dry. Some dry towels will latch on to the dog’s fur, ripping it off or weakening it.

Using quality towels will not only dry your Pomeranian after a bath but protect Fur health as well.


Brushing a Pomeranian helps keep the fur full and fluffy, giving your pet a bit of cuteness.

After each bath, use a brush to straighten out the dog’s hair before letting it go.  Brushing shouldn’t only be done after a bath, especially when baths are few and far between. Brush the fur as frequently as you can but moisten the fur first.

Brushing dry fur can cause the hair to be stuck in the brush, ripping it out.

Be sure to use quality brushes to avoid injuring the fur and the dog.

Soft brushes are the best for dogs, especially small ones like Pomeranians. Brushing the fur will also help untangle knots and remove sick hair particles.

Brushing is a key part of grooming a Pomeranian, something you need to do often as a part of your fur care routine.

Spot clean

Dogs tend to get stains on their fur from dirt or liquids, usually resulting from their activities.

Once you notice any stains on your dog’s fur, treat it immediately. Spot treat for maximum effect, using a cleaning agent directly on the affected areas.

Organic cleaning products are the best choice for a dog’s fur.

Using chemical products on a dog’s fur will waken it over time, causing the fur to fall off. 

On the other hand, organic products are harmless and sometimes improve the fur. Spot treating stains also help to keep your dog looking neat and shiny.

You can check your Pomeranian for stains daily, especially if you leave it alone during the day.

Use quality hair products

As a part of grooming, most dog owners use hair products to get the Pomeranians’ hair to look fluffy and cute. Hair products can also help strengthen the hair glands, improving Fur health.

Use only quality products when grooming your Pomeranian, especially organic products. Chemical products aren’t always ideal for a dog’s fur, especially when used regularly.

Human hair products are not used for dogs, so be sure only to use dog hair grooming products for your Pomeranian.

Do Pomeranians Coats Change Colour?

Pomeranian coat colour changes over time as they get older.

The fur colour your Pomeranian has at birth is rarely what it will have as an adult. A pomeranian may change its fur colour a few times before settling on one.

Fur changes apply not only to the Pomeranian’s primary colour but to stripes and spots too.

When a Pomeranian approaches its first birthday, its final colour should already be apparent. 

Pomeranian fur changes can range from slight, to drastic, with an almost complete overhaul.

The changes can occur from light to dark and vice versa. Any change in fur colour usually occurs in the opposite spectrum of the current colour. A white puppy will darken, while a dark puppy will lighten.

After its first year, any changes will be in the tone of the colour.

Fun fact: You can predict the final fur colour of your Pomeranian by looking behind its ears.

While the colour will change as the Pomeranian ages, the fur behind its ears doesn’t often change.

Most times, the fur colour behind the ears is an indicator of the final colour of a Pomeranian.

Last Words: Pomeranian coat stages

A Pomeranian has two coat stages, usually accompanying phases of the dog’s life. You can’t really alter the coat stages, as they occur naturally, but you can provide the necessary coat care.

Groom the Pomeranian appropriately for each stage and ensure you never shave off its coat, at any stage.

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