
Dogo Argentino vs Boerboel: Complete Breed Comparison

Choosing between two dogs can be frustrating, especially if you are a first-time dog owner. Luckily, you don’t have to go through this alone as we look at two popular dog breeds: Dogo Argentino and Boerboel. The final choice is yours, but leave it to the experts to help make that choice a little easier.


As expected when dealing with two dog breeds, there are a lot of major differences to be encountered. While both breeds may serve a similar purpose or have many similarities, their differences ultimately separate them. Some key differences between Boerboels and Dogo Argentinos are discussed below:


The difference in size is the first thing you notice when comparing two dog breeds. Both breeds, in this case, are relatively large dogs, but not without a few differences.

Boerboels are considered the bigger dogs but aren’t the taller breed. They range in size between 56 and 69 but have an impressive weight range of 54-82kg. Despite being the shorter breed, they look more intimidating and are generally stronger than Dogo Argentinos.

Dogo Argentinos, on the other hand, has a height range of 60-69cm and a weight range of 36-45kg. They may not be the most intimidating breed, but you can still feel safe with them in the house.

In both breeds, females are generally smaller and are often associated with lower limits.

Health problems

Both dogs are notary susceptible to certain health problems, though owner care can largely improve their chances against them. Dogo Argentinos are notably susceptible to cancer, deafness, and hypothyroidism. These conditions may be manageable but seriously impair the dog’s quality of life.

Boerboels, on the other hand, are susceptible to joint dysplasia, epilepsy, and vaginal hyperplasia. Each dog is unique, and while the breed is generally susceptible, not all suffer from these diseases. Early detection comes in handy to fight off any diseases, so notify your vet at the first sign of any illness.

Life span

Both dogs have relatively average lifespans, falling just shy of the average lifespan of a dog. Big dogs, however, notably have long lifespans, despite having health challenges.

Boerboels have an average lifespan of 8-10 years; for a dog as large as this, it is above the average lifespan of 8 years.

Dogo Argentinos, on the other hand, have an average lifespan of 10-12 years. With the average lifespan of a dog being about 10-15 years, Dogo Argentino’s fall in this range. Despite their relatively large size, they tend to live long lives, making them great family dogs.

Exercise needs

All dogs need frequent exercise, especially when they are house-trained or spend a lot of time indoors. Boerboels and Dogo Argentinos are notably strong dogs, though they have different physical requirements.

On the one hand, Boerboels have a relatively high physical requirement for their size, but they are close to the average requirements for a dog. When running, they can reach speeds of 29km, an impressive feat for their size.

Dogo Argentinos are notably faster thanks to their smaller size and can reach speeds of 40km. They also require more physical activities than Boerboels, with their requirements considered high for a dog.

Living Requirements

Both dogs are highly adaptable and can fit multiple environmental conditions, but they still have personal preferences. As is expected of a dog with its size, Boerboels require a large living space and will typically be best suited to a house with a large yard.

Ultimately, they may live in a limited space, but they won’t thrive as much as when there is more room to explore.

In contrast, Dogo Argentinos are less demanding and don’t need quite as much room. While they also love large yards, they can thrive in a small setting, so long as they get enough exercise regularly.


A man’s best friend is expected to be friendly, especially if they are at home with you. Most dogs are generally friendly, but they may also have other tendencies.

Boerboels are only friendly to their owners and, in some cases, family members they are familiar with. Beyond that, they aren’t considered friendly towards strangers but aren’t necessarily attack-hungry.

Dogo Argentinos, on the other hand, are less temperamental and more friendly. Not only do they get along well with family members, but they do well with strangers as well.

Many people consider them to be better with kids, but there isn’t much difference in this regard, as Boerboels are also kid-friendly.


Each dog tends to have a unique personality, with training and parenting style playing a key role. However, genetics cannot be ignored as dogs tend to have certain biological predispositions.

Boerboels are aggressive dogs, a trait that makes them excellent protectors. They are watchful, excellent fighters and love to chase things, all of which make them ideal guard dogs. Unfortunately, they tend to drool, so some people may find them unappealing.

On the other hand, Dogo Argentino’s are a little more reserved and do things in moderation. They aren’t particularly aggressive, but have watchdog tendencies and are incredibly focused. Unfortunately, they aren’t as capable fighters as Boerboels, but on the plus side, no drooling.


Dogs tend to come in different colors providing you with multiple possible options when looking for a new one. Boerboels have six different colours available, but there is notably no white color breed as of yet.

On the other hand, Dogo Argentinos come in only one color, white. Both breeds are seemingly opposites in this regard, but it makes it easier to differentiate them, especially when they are puppies.

Luckily, color has nothing to do with characteristics, as both breeds are excellent at their jobs regardless of it.


They may have a lot of differences, but they still have a few similarities. They sometimes serve the same functions, thanks to some of their similarities. They are both dogs; hence some basic similarities are expected.

Some of the similarities between Dogo Argentinos and Boerboels include:

Health problems

Many different health problems plague both breeds, usually due to their genetic predispositions, but there are a few common ailments. Both dogs commonly suffer from allergies and hip dysplasia.

Each dog is unique, and several other factors can influence it, but both dogs have a genetic predisposition to these diseases. Hip dysplasia especially is associated with larger dogs, and while it is manageable most times, it is often fatal.

Where it isn’t fatal, it seriously impairs the dog’s quality of life. On the other hand, allergies can range from mild to serious, but with the right medicines, they are manageable. Early detection is essential in dealing with allergy cases to prevent them from escalating to something more serious or fatal.


Both dogs are relatively easy to train, making them excellent guard dog choices. Both dogs are highly intelligent and can pick up clues easily, which comes in handy during training.

However, it is important to note that while they can pick up clues, both don’t always listen to instructions. They will listen to a strong authoritative presence, so establish yourself in that role early.

Often considered a fatal flaw, both breeds can be stubborn, especially when trying to make a point. They don’t always bark, but can do so incessantly when they want something and won’t stop even when promoted. The only saving grace here is that they can be trained not to bark unless in certain situations.

Affection levels

Boerboels and Dogo Argentinos are generally considered affectionate dogs, though affection levels vary. Despite the Boerboel being the more intimidating dog, they are also very affectionate. However, they are only friendly to those they are familiar with and kids, reserving their terrifying nature for strangers.

On the other hand, Dogo Argentinos are generally affectionate and have a greater affinity toward strangers. They are the more affectionate breed, and they also happen to be eager to please their owners. Dogo Argentinos can be terrifying and aggressive when needed, but they aren’t quite as effective as Boerboels.


Grooming is one of the most annoying parts of having a dog, with many dog owners dreading certain breeds. Luckily, Boerboels and Dogo Argentinos have low grooming requirements because their fur is limited.

Grooming mostly comes down to fur care, but nails and teeth care are also important. Boerboels and Dogo Argentinos have similar fur levels, requiring similar grooming schedules.

Their sizes are similar; hence nail and teeth care are essentially the same. The only difference in grooming between Dogo Argentinos and Boerboels is the presence of dander. Boerboels notably have a greater dander presence than Dogo Argentinos.

Best used as?

Both dogs are mostly considered guard dogs, but the Boerboel is better suited to this role. They are excellent guards thanks to their attack instincts and watchdog capabilities.

Dogo Argentinos can still serve as guard dogs but will better serve as hunting dogs thanks to their physical gifts. In whichever capacity you choose to deploy either dog, they work best when they are the only dogs in the house. While not notably antisocial, they are largely territorial and don’t take too kindly to having another dog in their space.

Who are they best for?

Anyone can get a Dogo Argentino, even a dog newbie, provided they can meet its physical demands. They aren’t too demanding, easily adapt to any environment and above all, are easy to train.

Boerboels, on the other hand, are heavily discouraged as first dogs. They can be frustrating and difficult to deal with without prior dog care knowledge. They are best left to experts or intermediates but never beginners.

Conclusion: Dogo Argentino vs Boerboel

Dogo Argentinos and Boerboels are two excellent guard dog breeds known for their physical traits. We have compared both breeds to establish which is best suited to guard duties.

The final verdict is one opinion, and your final choice should be down to personal preferences and needs. Don’t forget that price can also play a crucial role in choosing the right dog.

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